
Homepage Trailer

Toggle this feature to stop video previews on homepage. Enabled by default for a streamlined experience, consumes more data.


Experience uninterrupted content with our autoskip feature! It automatically skips through intros, outros, so you can enjoy without clicking.


Let the entertainment roll with our autoplay feature! No need to press play—the next video starts automatically, ensuring a seamless viewing experience.


Experience non-stop entertainment with our autonext feature! It automatically plays the next video, so you can enjoy a continuous streaming experience without lifting a finger.

Mute Audio

Choose whether to mute the audio or not.

Choose How Video Loads

1) Idle

Video will be loaded after the page has loaded completely. (Recommended)

2) Visible

Video will only start loading when it becomes visible on the screen.

3) Eager

Video will be loaded immediately.Consumes more Internet. (Advanced)