
Sync to the cloud

Share your watch progress between devices and keep them synced.

Incognito Mode

Turn it on to prevent saving your watch history and adding anime to your lists. Plus, Anilist tracking is also disabled.



We're currently working on developing our themes to make your experience even better. Stay tuned for updates!


Homepage Trailer

If you want to stop video previews on the homepage, you can do it to save data with just a click.

Title Language (English)

To switch between Japanese (Romaji) and English titles, simply toggle the language option here.

Episode Thumbnails

When enabled, episode thumbnails and titles with descriptions are shown. Disable it to display only the episode number.

Preferred Language (sub)

Turn it on to watch anime sub, and turn it off to watch dub. If dub is not available, it switches to sub.

Watch Page


Automatically play the next episode in a series after reaching the end. Can be enabled or disabled by users.

Autoskip (Beta)

Automatically play the next episode in a series after reaching the end. Can be enabled or disabled by users.


Automatically play the episode on load without pressing play button. Can be enabled or disabled by users.

Mute Audio

Automatically play the episode on load without pressing play button. Can be enabled or disabled by users.

Playback Rate (Normal)

Adjust your video speed effortlessly with Playback Rate! Speed up or slow down for a personalized viewing experience.


Load Strategies

Automatically determines when the video or poster image starts loading. Loading too early can slow down your app, so choose carefully.

Idle (Recommended)
Visible (Normal)
Eager (Fast)

App Information

Our Domains

Please use our official domains. If you encounter any issues or bugs, report them by providing feedback. (Recommended) (Backup)